Parkour, Cinema and Grindcore!
Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free.

sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2008

PKMAX Podcast Episode 02

On the first week of may I had the opportunity to train with the french Thomas Couetdic a.k.a Thomas-des-Bois, from Parkour Generations, UK. He was in my city, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil to lead a Parkour workshop that last 3 days and we trained for 10 days straight. The sessions were very intensive, mainly directed to physical strength, for 20 subscribers. Some friends from other states came by to enjoy the experience, they are: Pedro Santigas, Alberto Brandão and Sofia Magalhães from Brasília; Luiz Gustavo from Curitiba and Thiago Lima from Belém do Pará.

The workshop was part of a project to research how Parkour and contemporary dance techniques can dialogue in a theatre presentation. This was a second phase of the production for a play involving these techniques, the act is called Parcours, and it has won the Usiminas Sinparc Award for best scenario.

I want to thank Thomas hugely for the sharing, Beto for intermediate Thomas'trip and Sofia for host us in Brasília.

There are some images from this marathon and an interview below.

I hope you like it.
Train Hard.

Bruno Rachacuca.

1 Impressions:

Pedro Santigas disse...

cool stuff bro!
keep this new version up!