About a month ago mon ami Thomas Couetdic send me a gift by mail, although I only got a chance to sse it three days ago. This fine package with PKGen t's was violated by the customs.
Even described as a gift, it had its price. "A price that must be paid before you even try'em out", he said.
Each t-shirt costed 50 muscle-ups and 500 push-ups. A fair price, however i'll consider it next time when he decide to give me a hoodie.
Monsieur Couetdic is a wise man. This was a great gift, indeed. It was the first time I attempted 50 muscle-ups in one day. Mestre Conrad, Daniel-San, Arthur and I have completed the task in 3 hours and 30 minutes. So, I consider this a gift as well.
Below, the footage of it.
Merci beaucoup for both gifts, Thomas.
Take care,
Bruno Rachacuca.
Even described as a gift, it had its price. "A price that must be paid before you even try'em out", he said.
Each t-shirt costed 50 muscle-ups and 500 push-ups. A fair price, however i'll consider it next time when he decide to give me a hoodie.
Monsieur Couetdic is a wise man. This was a great gift, indeed. It was the first time I attempted 50 muscle-ups in one day. Mestre Conrad, Daniel-San, Arthur and I have completed the task in 3 hours and 30 minutes. So, I consider this a gift as well.
Below, the footage of it.
Merci beaucoup for both gifts, Thomas.
Take care,
Bruno Rachacuca.
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